So you are wondering when and how to wean your baby. But hey! Did you know there is an organic way to go about it? Baby-Led Weaning (BLW) is a concept that has been practiced more often in recent years due to its benefits. Not only is it a way to introduce new flavors and textures in your baby’s diet, but it’s also super healthy and nutritious for your baby.
Getting your baby to have sustainable eating habits from the start will help them stay healthy as they grow older. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s introduce you to the world of Baby-Led Weaning and its advantages for your little bundle of happiness!
Understanding Baby-Led Weaning (BLW)
If you are not aware of BLW, it’s a way of incorporating solids into your baby’s diet. As the name suggests, your baby leads the process of weaning. Instead of spoon-feeding babies, BLW focuses on turning those little ones into independent self-eaters and lets them explore new foods and flavors at their own pace and comfort.
Usually, you can begin BLW when your child is around six months old and can sit straight without help. At this age, they typically start showing an interest in touching their food and everything that comes their way. The practice usually bypasses purees or mashed food and jumps straight to finger foods. Here are some pointers for BLW:
- Keep breast-feeding or bottle feeding
- Make sure you give soft foods
- Consider age-appropriate edibles
- Offer different varieties of food
- Always be present when the baby is eating
BLW Encourages Independence and Fine Motor Skills
One main advantage of BLW is how it trains babies to be more self-sufficient and independent from a young age. They learn to explore and form their likes and dislikes on their own, as they aren’t spoon-fed everything.
The process of choosing food, picking it up, and eating it on their own enhances their physical and cognitive skills. It is also advantageous for the parents, as you don’t always have to be feeding your baby, especially when you’re a working parent with multiple responsibilities at a single time.
Promoting Healthy Eating Habits
BLW means your baby most likely won’t be a picky eater and will develop a healthy relationship with food from the start. Sometimes when babies are forced to eat a particular food, they like avoiding it, but on their own, they are more likely to try new foods. BLW can lay down the basis of a lifetime of healthy eating habits and the excitement to try new cuisines and explore new flavors.
Less Food Waste in BLW
It’s very natural for babies to develop food preferences and sometimes be wasteful. In BLW, the quantity of food thrown away is significantly reduced, compared with spoon-feeding, since babies only eat as much as they want. If they leave any food, it can be saved for later, but it’s best to give them food in reasonable quantities.
Building Family Bonds
BLW means your baby can sit at the table and eat with you, which is an amazing opportunity to bond. The baby learns how to communicate and behave in a setting quicker and overall feels loved and familiar with everyone in the family. It helps build tighter family connections and creates wholesome memories for the family to cherish.
Reducing the Need for Single-Use Plastics is Eco-Friendly
Traditional baby food often comes in single-use plastic containers, contributing to the plastic waste problem that plagues our planet. By adopting BLW, which focuses on whole foods and family meals, we can reduce the need for such plastic packaging, making a positive impact on the environment.
Ensuring Safety in Baby-Led Weaning
As discussed, BLW can be of great benefit to your baby and the environment; however, even if you aren’t spoon-feeding the baby, make sure to keep an eye on them as they eat on their own. It is necessary to make sure your baby is safe and doesn’t choke on anything. Foods offered should be age appropriate for the baby; for instance, they shouldn’t be given big pieces of hard fruit when they’re still developing teeth. Make sure the food is in a soft and chewable form for the baby.
To conclude, Baby-Led Weaning has numerous benefits for your baby as well as the environment. Train your little munchkin to be independent, healthy, and sustainable from the very beginning. Try your best to minimize waste and work towards a greener and brighter future.
So, start introducing solids into your baby’s diet as soon as you know the time is right, and have fun seeing your baby explore new flavors, foods, and textures. Happy weaning!